The Economics of Personal Data and Privacy: 30 Years after the OECD Privacy Guidelines

2015-07-20 - Policies / Studies & Surveys / Theory

Conference held at the OECD Conference center, Paris, France, 1 December 2010

The use of data, including personal data, is growing at a terrific rate. Global flows of data are increasing, as is the capacity of organisations to analyse and put data to productive use. One common example is online advertising, which leverages personal data to target potential customers and to measure effectiveness of the marketing campaigns. But personal data is bringing economic and social value in many ways, from supply chain management to product design and delivery, from risk assessment to research, and across a wide range of economic sectors including the financial services and health sector.

This Roundtable, the third and final event marking the anniversary of the OECD Guidelines for the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Data Flows, was held at the OECD on 1 December 2010. It examined the economic dimensions of personal data and privacy. Participants considered how data generates value to individuals, organisations, and society more broadly. More particularly, it has focused on understanding the uses and value of personal data in the private sector, as well as the emergence of a privacy profession and other issues related to the business of privacy.

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