NAI – Network Advertising Initiative

2015-09-05 - Organisations / Policies / Sources / Standards

NAI is a non-profit organization that is the leading self-regulatory association dedicated to responsible data collection and its use for digital advertising. Since 2000, we have been working with the leaders in online advertising to craft policies that help ensure responsible data collection and use practices. The result is the development of high standards that are practical and scalable to benefit everyone.

In 2013, the NAI extended its well-respected program and high standards to advertising across mobile applications by releasing a draft Code of Conduct for the mobile application environment.

In 2015, the NAI published its Guidance for the use of non-cookie technologies, further extending its high standards to next-generation advertising technologies. We believe that implementing these best practices will enhance trust and support the continued development of informative, creative and free content and services on the Internet, across the mobile ecosystem, and beyond.

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