STW Thesaurus for Economics
2015-06-22 - Vocabularies & Ontologies
The STW Thesaurus for Economics might be helpful while searching ZBW’s economics portal EconBiz and the ECONIS catalogue on economic issues (simply via or
The thesaurus provides vocabulary on any economic subject: more than 6,000 standardized subject headings and about 19,000 entry terms to support individual keywords. You can also find technical terms used in law, sociology, or politics, and geographic names. When selecting terms from this vocabulary, you are sure to get results matching your search query.
The information on the web pages is also embedded as data (RDFa) in order to support multiple re-use in the economics and business communities and within the semantic web.
Der Standard-Thesaurus Wirtschaft und seine Mappings stehen zum Download bereit unter der URL:
License: ODbL (Open Database License) 1.0
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